Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 326 - Advent bags and backyard play

I have begun getting a few Christmas decorations up but compared to the rest of our block I am way behind.  When I look out our bedroom window it is like looking out at Winter Wonderland!  Lights galore!  Looks like our new neighborhood is a big fan of Christmas!  I love it, it definitely gets me in the mood but at the same time I feel like we are way behind!

During the past weeks I began making Advent bags to put on the mantle.  Over the Thanksgiving holiday my Mom and Jillian helped me finish up the project.  My plan is to put a small note with clues on it in each bag and have the kids search prize.  Some of the prizes are little nic nacks but others will be the pieces to the nativity scene.  I hope they love it!

Wanted to share a few of these pictures, this is now a common occurrence.  The kids will go out to play and I will look up from doing dishes and see Laila pushing Jai all around the backyard in his truck.  The funny things is he is never in the cab of the truck, nope, he is always in the back.  Cracks me up!  And the whole time I can hear her just bossing him around.  Half the time he is on the other side of the yard and she is still yapping on about something.  He has learned very early on to block her out!

Yep, it was 11:30 and she still had her pajamas on.  Some days are just like that!

Caught me!


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Day 326 - Giving Thanks

My Mom, and brother Scott and his wife and two beautiful girls came to visit us for Thanksgiving.  We all had a wonderful time hanging out and playing.

Manik and I

Ms. Jillian

Laila and Jillian, they were best buddies!

All the girl cousins cuddling

 Marin, ornery and full of mischief!

Grandma and Jai Jai building a pen for his chicken

Thankful for family and two sweet nieces!  We are so blessed to have each other!


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Day 320 - Catching Up

I have some catching up to do!  So sorry folks!


Last Saturday we took the kids to the park and they had a ball!  

Hanging was a favorite for sure!

On Tuesday I came home to this delightful hole in our gate, courtesy of Saahib!  Luckily I am handy with a hammer and some nails!

Bo, giving us a run through on how easy it is to get in and out of the backyard now.

And now the finished product, Ta Da!!!

 On Thursday Manik got his Now Hiring sign, Genhis Grill is almost ready to recruit!!

And on Friday we did some early Christmas ornament decorating!

We made homemade playdo and used cookie cutters to cut out the shapes, slipped them in the oven and voila...ART!

So there you go, sorry it's a week late!

Thankful for all of my craziness that makes up my beautiful life!!


Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 318 - Thankful for Bubby

Jai Jai has brought so much to our lives.  He is so sweet and loving and cuddly and then the next second he is on a mission that only means trouble.  He is a stubborn mule and there is no talking him down!  He has me wrapped around his little pinky and I try so hard to be firm with him but it is SOOOO hard!  He just looks at me with those soulful eyes and I am mush.  I know, I am a wuss.  I would be downright bored without him!  Laila and Jai have turned into best buds and they just run from one room to another playing and horsing around.  Yesterday they held hands and just walked all around the backyard just talking their talk!  It was so precious.  Oh my baby boy you are so big and have grown way to fast!  I love you!

One minute he is like this and...

then like this! 


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 314 - Thankful for Arjun

I am so thankful Arjun came to live with us last year.  He has brought so much to our lives, and not just Manik's and my life...but Laila and Jai's too.  The kids love him so much and they can't wait to horse around with him as long as it is on their terms!  Of course Arjun's teenage sayings are starting to come out of Laila's mouth, it takes all I have not to burst out laughing when she starts spouting some long detailed story and ends it by exclaiming "I'm a genius!"  I love when Manik is gone for the evening and I get to hang out with Arjun, he doesn't stop talking, tells me all about his day and repeatedly makes me laugh out loud.  He is so witty and charming, thoughtful and full of mischief all at the same time.  Manik and I are extremely blessed to have such a sweet boy under our roof.  I have to give much thanks to his Mama, she has done a wonderful job raising him and we are just getting the gravy!


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 312 - Thankful for Opportunity

I am so thankful for the opportunity to have my own business, Love My Sitter, Denver.  I never thought an opportunity like this would come my way but, here I am only about a week out until I can start recruiting for babysitters and advertising for families!  Watch out Denver, Love My Sitter has arrived!  I appreciate all the support I have received from my loved ones and the faith they have in my abilities.  The best part about my business is that I can work from home and be my own boss.  I can manage my business (hopefully) during nap times and once the kids have gone down for the night.  Luckily Jai and Laila have taken to playing for extended periods of time upstairs or outside just doing what kids do.  It is pretty funny to hear them just playing away, in their own little world!  This blessed quiet time will be much appreciated once things start picking up!  


Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 310 - Thankful for my Monkey's

The other evening Manik caught two little monkey's jumpin on the bed.  Luckily no one fell of but they did break the bed.  Every time I watch this video I thank my lucky starts for two sweet, mischievous and beautiful babies.  The things that cracks me up the most is that once the bed breaks Jai bails like his tail is on fire and Laila denies the bed is broken.  I guess that tells us what we have coming our way in the years to come!

Sorry for the neck ache but it's worth it!


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 309 - Thankful for the mountains

Since we have moved to Colorado we catch sight of the Rockie mountains on a regular basis.  I catch my breath every time I see them and I am in awe of their ever changing beauty.  In the evening around dusk they turn a hundred different shades of blue and it is a sight to see.  I haven't had a chance to see them at sunrise but I am sure it will take my breath away.

This isn't my picture but it captures the beauty of the Rockies.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 307 - Giving Thanks for my Mama

My mom is a wonderful person and my brothers and I are blessed to have her.  She raised us all on her own, put herself through nursing school all while raising three young children.  She sacrificed so much for us and never once complained or let life get her down.  She is one of the most thoughtful, giving and courageous people I know and I hope that when I grow up I can be just like her. 

Love you Mom!


Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 306 - Giving Thanks

Tis' the season for giving thanks so for the remainder of the month I will give thanks for something or someone in my life. 

First and foremost I am thankful for my wonderfully patient, loving and kind husband.  I am terrible at being mushy but I can't imagine where I would be without him.  He has always had infinite faith in me when I had no faith in myself.  He makes me laugh and brings out my better side.  He is also the most wonderful Daddy in the world and has given me two beautiful babies and a sweet teenager to boot!  I look forward to the many more memories we get to make together and am so thankful God kept bringing us together until we figured it out!

Love you babe!


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 302 - Big Boy Bed

This evening when I put Laila and Jai down for bed we had a "nice" surprise...yep that would be Jai trotting down the stairs about 2 minutes later.  Looks like he has figured out how to get out of his crib.  Laila never got out of her crib so I suppose we were due!  We put him back in his crib and asked him show us his stuff, it took him 15 seconds tops to get out!  So we ran back downstairs and grabbed the screwdriver, no time like the present to make his crib into a big boy bed!

He was still not impressed and insisted on coming downstairs with every blankey and pillow he owns.  This is when I called upon all of my "Nanny 911" education.  We kept taking him back up and it only took one hour to wear him down.  I am dreading how long it will take him at 1am.  That is his favorite time to wake up and reek havoc!

Other than our bedtime excitement, here are some cute pics of Laila and Jai showing some love!

I think 20 seconds later I was breaking up a fight :)
