Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 70 - Best Day EVER! and no pictures to prove it!

This morning Manik got off our bumpkins and started our "couch to 5k" program.  It was so fun to be running beside Manik with the babies in the jogging stroller.  It definitely beats running by myself.  After Jai's morning nap we headed to Golden Phoenix for some amazing roast duck/pork and fantastic green beans.  Now we are showering up and waiting for our babysitter to arrive so we can head to dinner with Jason, Elizabeth, Brian and Cara.  And to top off the night KU is killing Texas in the Big XII Tournament!

A wonderful day and amazing weather...the only thing missing is Arjun. 

I promise to take pics tomorrow!

XOXO Heidi


Arjun said...

Glad to hear that Dad id Running!!!!
Keep it up!

Arjun said...

Hello! I have just finished with my schoolwork and i should be finished by Tuesday because i have been doin three a night!
Goodnight and have Fun!