Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 133 - Lighting Ceremony and Lucy turns 2!

Sorry for no post yesterday, the website was down for some reason and it would not allow me to post.

Yesterday Arjun had a Lighting Ceremony where the 8th grade class passed their leadership down to the 7th grade class.  It was a touching ceremony and such a thoughtful way of creating the future leaders of tomorrow.  Arjun had a responsorial psalm and did a wonderful job.  I tried to pay attention as best as I could but Jai and Laila had my attention pulled in every direction..and Jai still managed to walk out with a pretty big goose egg on his forhead.  It is definitely not a calming time when I take them to church by myself!

This evening we went to Lucy's 2nd birthday party!  She was tickled pink by her presents and Laila and Jai had a wonderful time playing outside and hanging out!

Big girl turns 2!!

Grandma and Wilder also came to party!

Happy Happy Birthday Girl!

 Laila and Jai gave Lucy the baby doll, she loved it!

Looking pretty cool in her new shades!

And lastly, here is a sweet little pic of Jai Jai helping Daddy drive!

XOXO Heidi

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

such a nice age I love taking off the pee soaked pull ups, licking the pussy then getting my fingers in, rub my wang all over it and come