Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 120 - Girls Night Out

This evening only Laila and I headed over to Jason and Elizabeth's for a grill out!  It was so nice to just have Laila to worry about...which means that I really don't have to worry about anything.  The Keller's also came over and we had a wonderful time just talking and hanging out.  Baby Wilder is now a crawling machine!  He just lights up when he sees Laila, it is so cute to see!

I am ready for more summer nights and grilling out!

Baby Wilder showing off his new moves!

Crawl Baby Crawl!  Almost there!

I'm on my way!

The Happy Family

Still Cute

Cara and Lucy

Me and My Baby Girl

I just can't get enough

XOXO Heidi

Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 119 - Sorry

Sorry for missing yesterday.  By time the day was done  and it was time for me to blog I was too pooped to do it.  Although it was a good day.  Laila has grown even more independent and goes potty completely on her own.  And by "on her own" I  mean, she slams the door and does not allow anyone in.  Sometimes she takes a really long time, and I am just dying to know what is going on in there.  But she always comes out and it seems all is in its right place!

As for today, Lucy Lu came over to play.  And she also had a huge big girl moment.  Lucy and a few of her siblings are terrified of dogs.  So when Lucy comes over I always keep Bo and Saahib in their pens.  But today I let Bo out to eat the leftover lunch scraps off the floor and Lucy was pretty calm about him being out.  So then I took it a step farther...I had Laila feed him a treat and then Lucy also wanted to do it.  I was SOOO proud of Lucy! 

Lucy feeding Bo Bo!

XOXO Heidi

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 117 - Laila and her monkey business

 Well I have a treat for you all!  I have made a big step in into 21st century technology and Laila is my star! 

Since Laila started gymanstics she has become a monkey in the house.  This afternoon she was entertaining us pretty well and I caught it on video.  I hope you enjoy the link below! Be sure to watch the very end, it is the best part!

Laila's Cute Antics

XOXO Heidi

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 116 - Reunited

Yesterday Laila left her "second" blankey at school.  Somewhere along the way Laila gave this blankey a name "Second" blankey...strange we know.  She has a very strong attachment to this blankey and it goes with her everywhere.  Sometime last week I forgot to pack it in her bag for school and she was a tearful mess when I dropped her off, I had rush back home and bring it back to her at school.

Since we didn't realize we forgot the blankey for a few hours it was too late to go pick it up. I explained to her that school was closed and we would have to go get it first thing in the morning and she really took it quite well.  This morning we swung by school and picked up her blankey and baby.  She was a happy camper the rest of the day!

XOXO Heidi

Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 115 - Crazy Mutts & Ta Daaaaa!

This afternoon while the kiddos were at school I was cleaning our room and looked out the window to see this..I guess the dogs wanted to have fun on the play gym too!  What goons!


Last week Laila learned "Ta Daaaaa!" at gymnastics.  Ever since then any time she jumps down or stands up quickly she exclaims proudly "TaDaaaaa!".  

Here is a wider shot so you get the full effect!

Sweet baby

T.R.O.U.B.L.E, but really cute TROUBLE!

XOXO Heidi

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 107 - Happy Easter

Happy Easter!  Oklahoma City finally got some rain, which was badly needed.  The downside is that I didn't get to dress Laila up in her really cute Easter dress because it was so cold and wet :(  Other than that it was a nice relaxing day.  The Easter bunny hid Easter baskets in the house and it took Arjun about 15 minutes to find his.  Very tricky bunny!

Hope you all had a blessed day!

XOXO Heidi

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 112 - Easter Egg Hunt

This afternoon we went over to Jason and Elizabeth's house for an Easter Egg Hunt!  It was so much fun to watch all the little ones searching for Easter eggs!  Laila new exactly what was going on and filled up her Easter basket quickly, Jai on the other hand was more interested in sucking his thumb.  Wilder and baby Cain did a great job of overseeing the hunt!  Well done boys!  Phoebe and Frank was also great hunters and came out of the hunt with great success!  It was so fun and I can't wait for next years hunt!
The Eggs have been left by the early Easter bunny and just waiting for the kids to come along!

Laila hard at work!

Jai was in no hurry at all

But he did catch on a little bit

Laila showing me the giant egg she found and begging me to open it for her!

Wilder and Cain investigating their first Easter egg

This was Frank's stash, not bad huh

 Jai Jai's finds an egg and goes to work trying to get it open

 All the kiddos, totally impossible to get them to look all at the same place at the same time!

 Cain stealing Laila's eggs, she wasn't to happy about it but was still sweet enough not to push him over and run with away with her basket.  I am soooo proud!

Wilder found that chewing on leaves was far more interesting than looking for stupid eggs!

Happy Easter Everyone!!

XOXO Heidi

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 111 - Fun Filled Friday

This Friday Arjun was at home since it is Good Friday.  We filled our day with playing outside, dyeing Easter Egg's and going to the park.  This evening one of our favorite babysitter's watched the babies while Arjun, Manik, Elizabeth, Jason, Brian Keller, Tim and I went out do Musashi's for a wonderful dinner.  It was so nice to take Arjun out, he had a good time and always enjoy's hanging out with the big kids for an evening.!

Pretty Pretty colors!

Laila helping Arjun and I dye Easter Eggs

No Hands!


Laila loving the moving bridge!

Ta da!!

Linus in full effect!

Hello Abercrombie!

Arjun is sporting his Dadagi's shirt from 30 years ago!  

The Suri, less Jai Jai

Arjun & Manik

 Jason & Elizabeth

The Boys

The Girls

XOXO Heidi

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 110 - On your Mark, get set, go!

Tonight after dinner and Jai was down Laila and I went for walk.  I had only intended to go a few houses down but it quickly turned into a quarter of a mile.  She wanted to run the whole way...we ran a few blocks and then after a little while we started to say "On your mark, get set.....and GO!  We would get in the "on your mark" position, our feet on a crack, crouched down, arms in the sprinting position and I would just wait for her to say "GO".  She would so tickled and run and run!  It was so funny.  Oh, did I mention she was in her pajamas with the feet attached to them.  No shoes, just her pj's!  I am sure we made quite a sight!

Laila had an Easter egg hunt at school today so once we got home she was having a
good time carrying around her basket!  Kinda like she is walking the catwalk!

 And what one year old boy doesn't need a 12 foot long PVC pipe to play with!  Jai Jai loved having a big stick to swing around.

XOXO Heidi