Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 98 - Jai Jai gives kisses

My sweet lovable and cuddly baby boy has started giving me kisses!  They melt my heart and I can not get enough of them!  I have not pictures to prove that he loves his mama!

He has also begun to really like Saahib!  He really likes to sit next to him and pat him so gently, it is adorable!

I also forgot to mention that both the kiddos had their yearly check-ups this week. 

Jai is 75% in height, weight and head circumference.  Big boy weighs 23.9 lbs and is 30 inches long

Laila is 50% in height, weight and head circumference, Missy weighs 29 lbs and 34 inches long

They are both in great health!

We are so blessed!

XOXO Heidi

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