Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 125 - 128 Our Trip to Wichita

The kids and I had a wonderful time in Wichita visiting Grandma Sue Sue and going to Katie's wedding.  There are a TON of pictures in this post so get ready...

Once we arrived in Wichita and the kids had taken a nap we went to the Eastborrow Neighborhood park, this park has a really nice jungle gym, the park also has a beautiful pond and lots of wildlife.  We saw baby turltles, baby geese and a few baby ducks. 

 Mama and her babies

On Thursday morning Mom, Laila and Jai and I went to Tangyanika Wildlife Park.  Laila and Jai really liked the baby bunnies and watching the Leemers eat cranberries out of Grandma's hand. The goats got a hold of Jai's blanket and Laila had to rescue it for him!

 Baby Goats, just wanting some love

 Mama and her baby
 Fluffy bunny, they were so sweet and friendly

 I think this is a Llama, but I am not totally sure.  He does look friendly though, doesn't he!

On Friday morning we played outside and waited for Scott, Jen, Marin and Jillian to arrive.  It happens that eating dirt is a favorite pasttime of the baby boys in our favorite.

 Miss Marin

 Marin has the sweetest temperment, she loves everyone and is so much fun!  She is a love bug!

 And just as cuddly

 Miss Jillian, seems like she has grown into a big girl overnight!

 Jillian and Laila were pals all night long!

 This was so sweet, Marin just kept smiling at me and looking straight at the camera and giggling.  It was precious!  I only wish Laila would do that for me!

 Uncle Scott and Baby Wilder

Katie's reception was lots of fun and the kids had such blast running around and seeing all that there was to see!

 Jai was so tickled with himself and loved climbing the highchair
 He got in there all by himself, we looked away for one second and looked back and there he was!

I love my Grandma and my thumb
  Josh and I got a pick after he had been strutting his stuff on the dance floor, he has got some serious moves.  He also tried to hit on my good friend Katy Sullivan, I think they had a connection.  Katy will only have to wait about 20 more years for Josh to catch up!

Lastly, this morning while we had everyone together we snapped a few family pics.  I can't believe how much our family has grown in just one year!  Babies, babies everywhere!

Jason and his family
 Scott and his family

All the grandkids, I think this is the best picture.  I love how all the babies are sooo unhappy!  Priceless!

Me and Mine

The whole family!

The original Opie's

I love this pic, me and my big brothers.  

Happy Mothers Day! 

XOXO Heidi

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would start with jill while laila looks on and plays with her pu--y for me, jill's little bald slit is going to taste and feel so good and hopefully by the time I am finished with her laila will be horny and wet from touching herself and watching my d--k will slide right in her tight pussy without hurting her