Sunday, April 8, 2012

April 8, 2012 - Happy Easter

We had a wonderful Easter with friends and family!  I think the kiddos really enjoyed themselves as did I!  I love that this is a day of celebration and so thankful for all that the Lord has provided me.

Yesterday we went to the neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt.  The Easter Bunny made a surprise visit and the kids were very curious.  Jai had some serious reservations but Laila was happy to see him and later give him a hug!

More interested in picking looking at the grass and bugs than collecting eggs!

This girl is a ham!

This morning we went to Church, Laila loved singing along to the songs of course her version was much more creative and unque.  I am pretty sure everyone around us thought so too!

After Church Dad was able to sneak away from work to join us for the Easter basket hunt.  The kiddos did a great job and were thrilled with their finds!  

 Not sure what that smile is all about...?

Bubby loved his Mr. Potatoe Head, or as Jai calls him Tato Head!  I love his little language!

 My little flower and by two sweet bunnies!

My one true love, Happy Easter babe!

This afternoon when we to a family friends house for lunch and yet another egg hunt!  We had a wonderful time, playing and of course watching the Masters.  The kids had a blast playing in our friends sand box and playhouse!  Jai really got the hang of the hunt this go around...he came, he saw, he conquered.  Laila on the other hand would only pick up the "girly" eggs.  Nothing but pink and purple for her.

 Laila, Jack and Jai with their booty!

Happy Easter All!


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