Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 122 - Update on Sabibo

I thought for sure when I took Saahib to the vet this morning that he would be for sure going into surgery.  But I was, thankfully, very wrong.  Dr. Johnson palpitated his tummy and couldn't feel any rocks or hard objects and Saahib never gave any indication of being in pain.  As a result the Dr. Johnson gave the big guy some medicine and anti-inflammatory meds and a few hours later Saahib started eating!!!  The doc thinks that Saahib may have had a blockage in his intestines or just a small infection.  He will know more tomorrow morning if Saahib has either thrown up or pooped.  We will hope for the latter.

As for the kiddos, today was a good day.  They both had school today and then we ran a few errands after.  Once we got home Laila, Jai and I took a little walk.  It was the first time the three of us had all "walked together" rather than having in Jai in the stroller or being carried.  Jai was so cute trying to run after Laila or holding my hand and taking in all that was going on around him.  We also walked quite a distance and Jai kept up really well.  The best part of the night was before Jai went to bed he went around and gave everyone huge wet open mouthed kisses.  It was wonderful!!

As Arjun would say, how can you turn this face down!

XOXO Heidi

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