Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 47 - Birthday shirt and the dogs water bowl

Well Missy Mae is turning two soon and I am so excited for her!  She is now more aware and understands what birthday parties are all about.  We have gone to a few of her friends b-day parties and she get soooo excited!  She will talk about so and so's party all day and then we get to the party and she freezes.  You would think by looking at her that we dragged her to it!  She gets some serious deer in the headlights look.  After a few minutes of taking in the situation and sizing everyone up she relaxes and settles in for a good time, thank goodness.

We are doing a very small party this year, just family and our good friend Tim.  The theme is Strawberry Shortcake.  Of course Laila has no idea who that is, but I love Miss Shortcake so there you go!  I really wanted to get her a cute shirt for her birthday party, but I put it off too long so decided to just make one.  So while the kiddos were napping this afternoon I made her shirt, I love the way it turned out!

This afternoon while Laila was napping Jai had some time to investigate the backyard deck and all the fun things it holds!  First he quickly made his way over to the dogs water bowl (always a big hit) and then to Saahib's tennis balls.  Now he was really a happy little boy, Saahib was a little put out and didn't quite appreciate the fact that the little boy who lives in his house wouldn't throw the ball, but rather would hold them really close and try to chew on them.

 So here is an adorable sequence of events I caught on my phone of Jai trying to "drink" the dogs water bowl.  Needless to say he ended up soaked and sooo dirty but he enjoyed every minute of it!

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